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Saturday, October 9, 2010

Life Update- October 2010

Well it has been a while, I let this drop but I want to keep this up at least every once in a while as a place to just keep track of what has been happening in our lives.

We are actually in the middle of a few somewhat large changes so here is the update:

We are looking at houses! Woo hoo, after being in an apartment for the last 10 years this is very exciting to me. It isn't even the space issue (well it would be nice to have more space) but for me the real issue and reason I am ready for a home is that I can't wait to PAINT!! I am not a white walls type of person and of course in apts all you get are cream colored plain walls. Plus I just enjoy painting (and yes I know I am weird), you put on some good music and let me go and I will be happy. I am also ready for a feeling of permanence. Being in an apt has it's pluses but now that we have Claire (who is 18 mos btw) and are thinking of when we would like to have another one we are feeling like we need to pick a place to call home. We know God can move us whenever He wants but as of right now it is looking like we will be in Atlanta for a while. I do wish we were closer to family but with Matt and Amber in the marines and being stationed a different place and with Dad and Mom waiting to find out where God is going to put them in the ministry we don't even know where everyone else will be. Unfortunately for Brock's family we are not planning to ever go back to Saginaw so we are ready for a place to call home. I think for the most part we are enjoying looking at the pics of all the different houses and yes you can get some great deals. It is also an up and down process so we trying to be patient and to wait on the Lord to show us the home He has for us. It is hard to find the amenities we want with a price that will be good for us (we won't buy something we can't afford!). It is exciting though, so keep us in prayer that we would find a sweet home!

God is also moving us to a new church. We loved being at Metropolitan for the last two years and for reasons known only to God He told us about 2 weeks ago to start looking for a new church. We knew we were going to need to start looking b/c where we are looking to move isn't close to the church but God moved us on sooner. It has been hard b/c the people there were truly like family but when God says go you go. On one hand it is fun to go to different places, meet new people and see how God is working in other churches, at the same time it is hard leaving the place that felt like home for the last two years, the place where Claire was born and dedicated... however we know God is leading us to a great new church where we can settle down and become active in ministry.

Claire is doing well. She is 18 months old now and a sweet funny girl. She isn't talking really yet, although she was a bit later to walk as well and very independent. I think she will be one of those children who are late to talk but when she does it won't just be "cup" it will be a whole sentence that will be clear as day. We read all the time and I am trying to get her to point out objects... I know she hears me and she understands WAY more than she lets on! lol. I am not really worried about it even though the doctor wants her to be saying more. I just think when she is ready she will and we are doing what we can as far as talking, reading and labeling things for her.

and last but not least, I am having some health updates- I have suffered from eczema my whole life and no one has been able to really do much about it. I try not to let it impact my life but it does, even on good days (meaning I am pretty clear) I am never completely cleared up and scratching all the time is miserable. So I had an allergy test done in college that said I had a reaction to wheat and gluten (which can either be an intolerance or an actual disease called Celiac Disease). Celiacs actually kills off the villae in the intestine which means you can't absorb nutrients properly leading to lots discomfort and eventually other serious issues from malnutrition. So if you eat gluten you are killing the lining of the intestine, while an intolerance just means your body doesn't process wheat well and you should still cut it out of your diet but if you do eat it the damage to your body isn't the same nor as dangerous. Ok, so anyway the allergy prick test said gluten but I was in college and who really can cut out gluten in college- so I let it go, then last summer I had a biopsy of my skin done b/c a side effect of Celiac disease is skin rash and we thought maybe I had that rash instead of or with eczema but it came back negative. Well I have been on steroid creams for years now b/c they are the only thing that even remotely works but you can't be on those forever and they also have bad side effects. So last week I went to the doctor and got the blood test to prove for sure whether I have eczema (which really doesn't have a cure) or the Celiac. The panel came back positive which means I am reacting to gluten. So I went to the GI specialist and am having an endoscopy on October 29th. That means they will put a tube down my throat and take a little biopsy of my intestine. Please pray that the results would show an intolerance only and not the Celiac Disease. Also, please pray for us as we transition to a wheat and gluten free diet. I will post more on what that entails later, just know that it is a large undertaking and while I am ready to feel better and know that the diagnosis could be worse (both with the intolerance and Celiac, diet changes will take care of everything, there is no pill or something which is good news)- it still a lot to take in.

So there you go- lots of changes. I am feeling like things keep spinning and every time I try to get my feet planted something else changes but I think that is just God's way of keeping me on my toes and reminding me to keep focusing on Him, His plan for us and His goodness.

Now, since I am writing this at 5 am (I have been up since 4- wide awake...) I am going to sign off and try to go back to bed.

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