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Friday, February 12, 2010

Crazy week-sorry for not posting

Ok, Sorry for not posting, I do really plan to post regularly but this week got crazy!

Last weekend we spent Saturday just hanging out and I had some stuff to get ready for Sunday. Then Sunday started Revival services so we spent all day there.

Monday I subbed at Heiskell (the preschool where I worked before Claire came). They let me take Claire which is fantastic. She loves it b/c its so interesting to have new toys and people. It is hard to manage a baby and 12 four year olds but the other teachers help and Claire is so good that she makes it pretty easy. Then revival at night.

Tuesday was the same except that Brock took Claire to revival while I went to my special ed class which will keep my certificate current. (btw, only 2 more weeks to go and one assignment!)

Wednesday was the same. It was hard to work in the morning, take care of home stuff in the afternoon and then being out at night. I did a bit of cooking for the evangelists too so it was a crazy busy week for us. I do have a new found respect for working moms. At the same time, I am SOOO thankful that I get to stay home.

One of the messages during revival sort of centered on keeping our homes as a haven and I that is what I want. I could work, and I know myself enough to know that everything would get done and done fairly well b/c I am a perfectionist like that, but...I would be stressed and tired and our home would not be a place of rest and peace. I want my children and husband to feel that our home is a place of rest and a haven from the stress of the world. Thank you Brock for working so hard so that I don't have to.

Thursday was grocery shopping day and now finally Friday, just catching up on the housework and other things that needed to be done. Btw, Claire is working on a 3 hour nap which has been nice b/c I was able to do some baking, made some baby food, and cleaned the bathroom (I had to scrub the floor behind the toilet--- its my LEAST favorite job ever and it was getting bad so I HAD to do it!).

Tomorrow Brock and I are going out on a date! Dennae is going to come watch Claire and we are using some gift certificates (thank you Sandra!!) to go to Olive Garden and the movies. WOOO HOO!!

I hope you all had a good week and have a great weekend. (I will try to post but weekends are family time so it may or may not happen!- if it doesn't- Happy Valentines Day!)

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